Wear a Mask, Stay in School - Information
Thursday, November 12, 2020 Governor Mike Parsons, the Department of Health and Senior Services, and the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education announced modifications to Missouri's K-12 school reopening and operating guidance document. The guidance now states: "If the person diagnosed with COVID-19 and the close contact were both wearing masks appropriately during the time of exposure in the school setting, the close contact would not need to quarantine."
What does this mean for Avenue City School? Starting Monday, November 16, 2020 the Avenue City School will be implementing a mask mandate for all staff and students. Staff and students will wear a mask throughout the day when social distancing is not attainable.
Why? Under the updated guidance, proper mask wearing may prevent individuals from being identified as a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case. Wearing masks will help limit (but not totally prevent) quarantines of large numbers of students.
Please watch video and view handout for more information.