COVID-19 Precautions to begin September 7, 2021 at ACES
To: Avenue City Parents
RE: COVID protocols
Date: September 6, 2021
As the administration previously stated, we would continue to monitor the circumstances associated with COVID-19 in our area. These factors have occurred within the past week.
- area schools dismissing due to excessive quarantines
- other Andrew County Schools experiencing increased Covid cases
- a vacation period that allows families to gather
- changes in Andrew County Health Department protocols
Due to these circumstances, masks will be required in all areas of our school for a 10 day period beginning Tuesday September 7th. Exceptions to the requirement will include outdoor recess and eating during breakfast and lunch. We will be clarifying the new county protocols and will reevaluate the situation over the next several days. As, always, we appreciate your assistance in this matter.
Don Lawrence