Learning During COVID-19 Extended Break
March 19, 2020
Hello Avenue City School Parents,
I know this continues to be a challenging time for each of you and your students. I can appreciate the complex and unnerving emotions that surround the current COVID-19 outbreak. I appreciate your support as the district maneuvers during this ever changing predicament. We will continue to try to provide a quality education, and focus on the health and safety of our students and employees.
Our role is to provide equitable access to education for all students. Beginning Monday, March 23, 2020 district administration decided to pause our current ‘school model’. We will begin an alternative instruction model. Your child should take advantage of this alternative method each week day that the District is not in session.
We will initiate the following method of alternative instruction:
- Moby Max On-Line Assignments: We have sent home laptops and chargers with students who indicated that they need them. Each school day EVERY student will log-on to the district’s Moby Max program. The link to the program is found on the front page of our website. Each child will complete two (only 2) assignments that the teacher has created each day. Assignments will be in the areas of Math and Language Arts. How do the student’s know what assignments to complete? Parents/students can click on the Teacher’s Corner Tab at the top of the website and then click on their teacher’s name. Teachers will use this venue each day to communicate what assignments students are to do daily. If you have questions, call the school or email your child’s teacher.
- Reading Assignment: Students are to read books and take AR tests. (We sent some extra library books home)
- Teachers will monitor student’s progress via these programs and ensure they are completing these assignments.
- Teachers will communicate with parents via school communication system, email, and/or phone.
- Some assignments listed above will be modified based on grade level of students.
- Students with IEPs will receive a letter regarding accommodations.
Tips for learning with your child during this time:
- We do NOT expect you to replace school. We do NOT want students to spend 7-8 hours completing school work.
- Give yourself grace. Remember that younger children have trouble focusing for more than 10-15 minutes and that a lot of breaks and movement are important.
- By mid-week next week, the district will have enrichment information on the website. There will be math, reading, writing lessons, and other activities. Because screen time should be limited, pick out some simple activities that do not include technology. (building with blocks, card games, board games, dominoes, crafts, etc.)
- Talk with your children about their interests. Use this time to learn more about these interests. Learn together.
- Read! Read together! Read everything!
- Limit screen time! Encourage physical activity!
- Teach the kids “real–life” skills during this time. This is a perfect opportunity to learn about cooking from scratch, how to do laundry, caring for pets, preparing for spring gardening, etc.
- Create a daily schedule. Children need a sense of “normalcy” and a routine. There are many examples of schedules that you can find on-line. However, make a schedule that works for your family.
Remember, during this unprecedented time, we are here to support you and your family. You can reach me or the teachers via email and/or calling the school office. Also, watch our website and the Avenue City PTO Facebook page for updates. Again, I appreciate your patience and grace as we strive to meet the needs of our students.
Rebecca Grimes
Avenue City School