Questions and Answers about 2021-2022 Avenue City School District Plan for Maintaining a Healthy and Safe Environment
Avenue City District’s Plan for 2021-2022:
Click here: Watch short video of 5 commonly asked questions and answers.
Synopsis: Avenue City School will be offering face to face instruction for students beginning August 23, 2021. Answers to questions in regards to maintaining a healthy and safe environment can be found below. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact administration at 816-662-2305.
What are the school hours?
- School hours are (8:25 AM-3:15 PM; Students can arrive at 8:00 AM)
Will my child’s temperature be scanned each day?
- If your child rides the school bus, his/her temperature will be scanned when getting on the bus. If the temperature reads 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, they will not be able to board the bus. (See transportation note below)
- The school will rely on parents who are bringing their child to school to monitor their own children for symptoms of illness and fever. We encourage temperature taking by parents on a daily basis. (See transportation note below)
What will school transportation be like this year?
- Bus Riders: Background: Due to proximity of seated students, it remains the fact that transportation to and from school on the bus is a time when the students appear to be most vulnerable to transmitting COVID 19, and its variants, to one another. Therefore, when it comes to riding the bus in 2021-22 it will be exactly as it was in 2020-21.
- Prior to being transported to school on the bus, students’ body temperatures will be taken. Any student possessing a body temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher will not be allowed to ride the bus that day.
- Every child on the bus will have assigned seats. Siblings will be seated together when possible.
- Every child on the bus must wear a mask
- Bus will be loaded from back to front. Students will depart from front to back.
- District will supply bottle of hand sanitizer for each bus. Students will use hand sanitizer when boarding bus.
- Parents must assume the responsibility for developing and communicating a plan for their child, if /when their child is denied access to the bus transportation that day. In order to keep our students safe we ask that parents formulate a plan for their students if they are denied access. Such plans might include but not be limited to:
- Supplying a house key to their child.
- Not leaving their child’s bus stop until the bus has loaded their child.
- Not leaving home until they have verified that the child has been loaded upon the bus.
- Working with neighbors as a point of contact and support in the vent the child cannot ride the bus that day.
- Car Riders: The school will rely on parents monitoring their own children for symptoms of illness and fever. We encourage temperature taking by parents on a daily basis.
Is the school planning extended breaks?
- The plan is to attend school on the days assigned by the Board of Education Adopted 21-22 School Calendar. You can find the school calendar on the district website at
Will my child be required to wear a mask?
- For at least the first quarter of 2021-22, masks on the school bus and in common areas will be mandatory. Common areas are hallways, restrooms and other areas where students pass each other and/or are in close proximity to one another. Masks in classrooms in which students remain in their “cohort” or actual classmates will be optional. Parents will make the decision for their child for this issue.
What is the district doing about extracurricular events or activities?
- School Aged Childcare (after school) will NOT be provided the 1st quarter. We will reassess this decision at the beginning of 2nd quarter.
- There will be NO “Back to School Night”. There will be a limited Meet and Greet on August 19, 2021. Information in regards to this can be found on the district’s website.
- Extracurricular Activities: ACES will follow Missouri State High School Activities Association guidelines with regard to extracurricular activities.
Will visitors be allowed in the school building during the school day?
- Access to the building will be limited to only necessary personnel and students.
What is my child is on a specialized plan, such as an Individualized Education Plan, a 504, a remedial reading plan?
- All of these plans are individualized to a particular student. If you have questions about your child’s individualized plan – please contact case worker via email. The district professionals will work with other participants on the child’s team to meet the needs of the child.
Last year, my students received free meals – will that happen again this year?
- The district has been notified that all students will receive free meals until the end of September. We hope to make an approved application for this to continue after September 2021. We will inform you when/if our application is approved.
What if my child has signs/symptoms of COVID-19 or tests positive for COVID-19?
- All school staff and families will notify school nurse in the event that if they (staff) or their child (families) become sick with COVID-19 symptoms, test positive for COVID-19, or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 symptoms or a confirmed or suspected case.
- If child becomes ill at school, he/she will immediately be removed from classroom and will be quarantined to nurse’s office with a mask until parents arrive.
What if someone in my child’s class is positive for COVID-19?
- If a student or staff member at Avenue City School is identified as positive for COVID-19, administration will work with the Andrew County Health Department to follow correct protocol.
What if my child has been vaccinated, will they still have to quarantine?
- In order for the school to decide the appropriate course of action, parents will need to provide their child’s proof of vaccination. Understand that even if your child is vaccinated, they may be required to miss school when the majority of their class is quarantined. If we find the majority of the class has been vaccinated, only symptomatic students may be required to quarantine.
What if my child is sick but it is not COVID-19?
- Your child may return to school if they are fever and symptom free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine as long as the illness in NOT related to COVID-19, a respiratory illness, or influenza.
- Call Nurse Russell for more information on when your child can return.
What if I do not feel that it is safe for my child to return to school?
- Avenue City Elementary School District will be offering face-to-face instruction ONLY. If you do not feel that it is safe for your child to attend, you may decide to homeschool. Please note that if you homeschool during the 21-22 school year and then decide that your child will return to ACES during the 22-23 school year, we will administer a placement test. Based on that test, administration will decide grade placement of your child.
How is the Avenue City District Planning to Maintain a Healthy Environment? District administration, reentry committee members, and board of education are working on a plan to maintain a healthy environment for our students. Please see plan below.
- Staff will clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces: door handles, desktops, sink handles) within the school at least daily.
- Students will be required to wear mask when they are in hallways and communal spaces.
- Each student will wash hands each time they enter the classroom, before lunch, after recess, etc.
- Hand Sanitizing Stations will be displayed throughout the school building. Everyone will be encouraged to use them.
- Staff will use disinfecting wipes / cleaner on desktops and frequently touched surfaces as much as possible.
Water Systems
- Drinking fountains will not be used. Students will provide their own bottled water, may purchase from the cafeteria, or will provide a refillable container and may use the district’s refill stations.
Communal Spaces
- Recess will be staggered times and classes of students will be guided to different areas of playground.
- Minimal children in restroom at a time and will wear masks.
- Classes will take advantage of “open air” outside activities when possible.
- Mask wearing in common areas will be mandatory for at least the 1st quarter of the school year.
Food Service
- Lunch times will be staggered so that there can be more space between classes.
- Breakfast will be eaten in classrooms. Plastic utensils will be used when necessary.
- Lunch will be conducted as it was in 2020-21 with distancing in the cafeteria between classes. Traditional utensils will be used as the CDC now indicates that transmission via surface contact items is less likely than previously indicated.
- Party treats for the class can be dropped off in the office and will be served in the classroom by the teacher when the schedule allows.
Gatherings, Visitors, and Field Trips
- District will limit any nonessential visitors, volunteers, field trips, and activities involving external groups or organizations.
- When preschool students enter and exit building, staff member will meet students at door and escort them to class.
Identifying Small Groups and Keeping Them Together (Cohorting)
- Mixing between groups will be avoided when at all possible. ACES cohorts will be limited – when there is a mix of groups it will be K-2; 3-5, 6-8. (For example: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade will go to recess at the same time, however they will be assigned to different areas of the playground to avoid unnecessary contact.)
COVID-19 Point of Contact
- All school staff and families will notify school nurse in the event that if they (staff) or their child (families) become sick with COVID-19 symptoms, test positive for COVID-19, or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 symptoms or a confirmed or suspected case.
- If child becomes ill at school, he/she will immediately be removed from classroom and will be quarantined to nurse’s office with a mask until parents arrive.
- If a student or staff member at Avenue City School is identified as positive for COVID-19, administration will work with the Andrew County Health Department to follow correct protocol.
Recognize Signs and Symptoms:
- Students will have temperature checks before boarding school bus each morning.
- School will supply each parent with “symptoms checker” identification sheet to be used before school each day.
- All students must fill out COVID-19 questionnaire upon registration.
- Visual aides will be posted around school for reminders of social distancing, hand washing, cover your cough, mask wearing, etc.
- Administration will post on social media / school website education in regards to “stopping the spread” of COVID-19.
This is a very fluid situation. The Avenue City School District reserves the right to adjust this plan as new information becomes available or situations change.